Step into the Unknown
Dates: April Sat & Sun 26 - 27 2025
Times: 10am - 5pm
Registration Fee: 245 €
Early Booking (till February 26): 215 €
Sponsorship by GVL (30%) is possible
Location: DOCK 11, Kastanienallee 79, 10435 Berlin
the location is barrier-free
Step into the Unknown
Integrating your Shadow
When we see actors acting from their shadow parts of self, we can´t take our eyes off them. Those aspects of self we deny and suppress hold powerful depth once we challenge ourself to express them.
In this workshop, you will step out of the comfort zone to take the powerful hidden beasts within you on board and into your acting, creating a scene that might even be amazing material for your showreel.
Lucid Body experience is necessary for this workshop.
Creating character and scenes using the tools of the Lucid Body
Develop a way of seeing that allows for a deeper understanding of the human being
Layer different parts of self to create a complex human being
Listen to the body’s visceral impulses
Broadening the actors range of expression